Blog, Writing

Motivational Monday

I’ve been so deep in the writing cave, that I’ve neglected my Motivational Monday series. I’ve finished the first draft now, and it’s sitting, gaining perspective. šŸ™‚ I’ve switched to revising a picture book manuscript and preparing for my fall classes, which start in two weeks. There’s never a dull moment! On that note, hope these are inspiring!

We cant become by remaining the same

Write and write and write

Just do it

Never Give Up3

Blog, Writing

Motivational Monday

I’m in the thick of rewriting my WIP and I’m happy to say it’s finally flowing, that I’m finally progressing. I’ve covered 27K in two weeks, and I’m hopeful that in another three, I’ll be done with the first draft. I finally worked through my desireĀ to go back and re-read/edit every. freaking. scene. It was a struggle, but I pushed through it. What helped me? Remembering this:

Good thing about writing

It’s okay to make mistakes in the first draft. For me, it’s a journey of discovery, and in attempts to try to “get it right” right away, I was shutting down. I also realized that in order to be able to reviseĀ anything, I needed to writeĀ something first. And I had a plan, an outline. At first, I fretted that I didn’t have all the details worked out. That I only knew with certainty the major plot points, how it ends. I also had the first half more fleshed out, but that second half scared the bejeezers out of me. Because while I knew what was going to happen, I wasn’t sure how I was going to connect the dots. Then I remembered this:

Writing is like driving

And I took it by sections. As I connected the inciting incident to the first plot point, the events coming right after came into focus. As I connected the first plot point to the second, the details after that became clear. It’s been a dance. Write, flesh out outline more. Write, flesh out outline more. I’m happy with this progress, and I feel more confident with how the story is evolving. I have half the manuscript written, and though the other half is still blank:

Pages are still blank

You would think that with two other manuscripts under my belt, I would feel more confident and comfortable with this one. But truth be told, each one has brought with it a different process, and a different set of emotional expectations. I’ve done a lot of soul searching with this WIP. It’s too close to my own experiences with my autoimmune disorder, and because of that, it’s too painful at times. I find myself wanting to protect my MC–a lot, too much–and I’ve learned to identify this problem so I can fix it.Ā Because it’s been hard to write, I know it’s important to write.

Never give up on a dream

I’m hopeful and optimistic I will be writing THE END by August 1st. Then I look forward to revision, when I can take this clump of words and continue shaping it into the story I know it can be.

Happy writing, everyone!

Blog, Writing

Motivational Monday: Don’t Give Up

I’m in the process of rewriting my WIP. And by rewriting, I mean starting back from the blank page when I was already half-way done because my story wasn’t working, even though I’d plotted it out. Even though I’d prepared. It just wasn’t working. If you’ve ever had to start over, I don’t have to tell you how frustrating that can be. All the work, gone. But it isn’t wasted because I learned along the way, and what I learned will hopefully make this new draft not suck so bad so I can move on with revisions. As I tackle this overhaul, I’m reminded of how difficult writing can be–and yet how absolutely amazing and rewarding it is if we simply follow through. So this is a reminder to all not to give up, regardless of where you are in the process. You’re just starting? Don’t give up. Querying? Don’t give up. On submissions? Don’t give up. Just keep writing, keep revising, and keep reaching for your dreams because they WILL happen if you’re willing to work for them.

Dont Waste Life

Writing Trouble

Story Untold

But perhaps one of my favorite quotes that reminds me it’s all possible–
and it’s a quote I have on my business cards–is this one:

Dreams Come True


Writing is Magic

Blog, Writing


If you like retellings, Vivi Barnes‘ OLIVIA TWISTED is for you! It’s Oliver Twist with computer hackers. With alternating points of view, and tackling themes of abandonment, abuse, and hope–and of love and loss–Vivi delivers a novel that is emotionallyĀ true.

Here’s the blurb:OliviaTwisted


He tilts my chin up so my eyes meet his, his thumb brushing lightly across my lips. I close my eyes. I know Z is trouble. I know that being with him is going to get me into trouble. I donā€™t care.

At least at this moment, I donā€™t care.

Tossed from foster home to foster home, Oliviaā€™s seen a lot in her sixteen years. Sheā€™s hardened, sure, though mostly just wants to fly under the radar until graduation. But her natural ability with computers catches the eye of Z, a mysterious guy at her new school. Soon, Z has brought Liv into his team of hacker eliteā€”break into a few bank accounts, and voila, he drives a motorcycle. Follow his lead, and Olivia might even be able to escape from her oppressive foster parents. As Olivia and Z grow closer, though, so does the watchful eye of Bill Sykes, Zā€™s boss. And heā€™s got bigger plans for Livā€¦


I can picture Livā€™s face: wide-eyed, trusting. Her smooth lips that taste like strawberry Fanta.

It was just a kiss. Thatā€™s all. Sheā€™s just like any other girl.

Except that sheā€™s not.

Thanks to Z, Oliviaā€™s about to get twisted.

What I loved about OLIVIA TWISTED most were the characters. The novel is told in alternating POVs from Olivia and Z’s perspective. When done well, I really enjoy dual POVs because they add depth to a work. Vivi did it well! The chapters headings contain the characters’ names, so we know immediately whose POV we’re in, but honestly, I didn’t need them. Olivia and Z’s voices were distinct enough that I just knew. This is so hard to pull off (I know–I’ve tried! lol) and Vivi did a fabulous job with channeling both characters. I loved Olivia. She was strong and stubborn and a quick-thinker–and the computer hacking part was so cool! I admit I know zilch about it, but the way Vivi works it into the plot, through the characters, was seamless. Z was mysterious and though he had this bad-boy exterior, his complexity was awesome. Sam was so much fun, too! I loved her.

There was a twist, which I sort of saw coming, but I wasn’t 100% correct. The pacing was perfect–I read this in practically one sitting, and Vivi had the perfect combination of tension and romance and action that kept me entertained, emotionally engaged, and reading because I NEEDED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. I was hooked.

Vivi Barnes is one cool kid. She’s hilarious and sweet and so much fun to be around–just ask anyone who knows her or who’s met her at an SCBWI Florida Conference. (Every year, I look forward to seeing what elaborate costume she comes up with for the next conference ball!) You can follow her on TwitterĀ or check out her website for updates.Ā Her new book, PAPER OR PLASTIC, comes out winter 2015 from Entangled Teen! I can’t wait to read it!

I may have been late to OLIVIA TWISTED (it debuted Nov 5, 2013 and I didn’t get to read it until May 2014), but I’m so happy I finally did!

Blog, Writing

Book Review: GILDED

GildedOne of the best things about summer vacation is that I get to read to my heart’s content. Stay up late? No problem. I can sleep in or nap the next day. All semester long, I accumulated this fabulous TBR pile that, because of work and revisions, I couldn’t get to, but oh how I wanted to.

I broke my reading fast with GILDED by Christina Farley. I met Christina at the 2013 SCBWI Florida Mid-Year Workshops. Actually, it was during the Elixir Mixer, where my friend Larissa introduced us. We got to talking about multicultural books and myths and the richness of other cultures when she told me about her debut novel, GILDED, a YA contemporary fantasy whichĀ features Korean mythology. She gave me her card, and I immediately started following her on Twitter. When her book released on March 1, I cursed I couldn’t read it immediately. When I finally did in early May, though, I was not disappointed!

Here’s the blurb:

Sixteen-year-old JaeHwa Lee is a Korean-American girl with a black belt, a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows, and a chip on her shoulder the size of Korea itself. When her widowed dad uproots her to Seoul from her home in L.A., Jae thinks her biggest challenges will be fitting into a new school and dealing with her dismissive Korean grandfather. Then she discovers that a Koreandemi-god,Haemosu, has been stealing the soul of the oldest daughter of each generation in her family for centuries. And she’s next. But thatā€™s not Jaeā€™s only problem.There’s also Marc. Irresistible and charming, Marc threatens to break the barriers around Jae’s heart. As the two grow closer, Jae must decide if she can trust him. But Marc has a secret of his ownā€”one that could help Jae overturn the curse on her family for good. It turns out that Jae’s been wrong about a lot of things: her grandfather is her greatest ally, even the tough girl can fall in love, and Korea might just be the home she’s always been looking for.
What I liked best of this novel is how ChristinaĀ seamlessly weaves South Korean mythology with a fast-paced plot filled with tons of action. I couldn’t stop turning the pages and read the book in practically one sitting. We get some wonderful city views of South Korea and feel the energy of the setting. Just as impressive is the world of the demi-gods. As far as characters,Ā Jae Hwa Lee is a strong, likable protagonistĀ who finds herself face-to-face with the things legends are made of–and she kicks demi-god booty in the process.I can’t wait for SILVERN, the sequel to GILDED, which will pick up where GILDED left off in a brand new adventure. It’s set to release September 23, 2014!

Blog, Writing

Breaking My Hiatus

I’m baaaaaack.

The semester is over. Revisions are done. And I’m officially on summer vacation.


It might take me a little bit to unwind because, let’s face it. There’s so much truth to this picture:

Owl Teachers

The end of the semester came with its usual flare-up–though it was a bit harsher than the last one–so I’ve been focusing on healing, resting, and getting better. It was bitter, coming on the heels of a great month and a half (Jan-Feb) where I thought for sure I was in remission. I suppose it’s always harder that way, isn’t it? When you’ve had a taste of “normal” only to then be whacked by the pain and exhaustion. But onward. The rest is helping and I’m feeling better, limping less, sleeping more. And writing more, which absolutely, positively helps me improve. Thank God for this blessing!

I’m looking forward to being back, to resuming my Motivational Monday series and bringing in some new projects here on the blog.

Happy writing, everyone!